
The busy month of May

Well, May has been super busy for me. On the 1st I was invited to the house of lords for a spot of lunch. Not a dodgy pub, but the actual House of Lords. There I met the amazing Baroness Floella Benja ........

The biggest problem with AI

The issue is that everyone is treating artificial intelligence systems as if they are sentient, they are not and never will be, so we must stop anthropomorphising them. Asking AI to perform a task is ........

Never fail Chicken curry

This is a mild -ish generic curry that serves 4.Ingredients:400g Diced Chicken thighs, all fat trimmed off.2 large tomatoes2 medium onions6 cloves of garlicFresh ginger to the same weight as the garli ........

The Traveller

It’s weird to think that I’m actually one hundred days older than my bio record states. Ah yes, my Biological Information File, to give it its proper name, or my BIF that everyone calls it. That infal ........

What is wrong with the word ‘about’?

Heard on the BBC World service: “Later we’ll be talking dinosaurs”. So I listened, and the presenters didn’t transform into dinosaurs and acquire the power of speech – which is actually what that stat ........

Typographical errors

Typo’s, we all make them. I joined the Society of Authors and in the editorial of the very first magazine I received, there was a huge typo. The edition featured articles about controversial books and ........

Taking a Stand Against AI in Writing: A Writer's Perspective

I’ve had to rethink my ideas about Artificial Intelligence. I have made a monk-like commitment to never use artificial intelligence in my writing. I took this solemn vow after I was asked if I used AI ........

Diverse Tales and Emerging Horizons: A Glimpse into My Writing Journey and Adventures in Publishing

My writing continues, it has to, I have to write something every day or I get a bit grumpy. At the moment I have three stories on the go, all vastly different. One is a complete departure for me, a GO ........

My Blog

I play guitar and sing in a band, are we any good? well, we’re okay, people seem to like us, and on Saturday 8th July we had the privilege of playing support to a truly superb band – ‘Xander an ........

Black bean stir fry with cashews

I am a part-time vegetarian and occasional vegan. No real moral or ethical cause except for wanting to reduce the amount of meat I consume. But when you speak to die hard vegetarian/vegans they will b ........

Astrid teaser 2. Surveillance of Major Pell

A light came on in the bedroom, a few seconds later, the light came on in the bathroom. Five-thirty a.m. the same time as yesterday and the day before. Astrid started a stopwatch and raised her fiel ........

Things I have learned since taking up writing

Writing is just like exercise, in fact, writing is exercise. You should aim to write at least one thousand words a day. Just like you should aim to do at least one thousand metres on the cross trai ........

Astrid book 1 teaser

The vista slowly changed from urban to countryside; towns and villages giving way to fields and rolling hills. She looked out at the landscape as it passed by, fascinated as she always was with the ........

About me:

I've always wanted to write, and many years ago I started on a typewriter, remember those? and I tried to write science fiction; that is a hard genre to write in! It’s really easy to write about sp ........